Multiple discounts
applied automatically
Offer multiple discounts to your customers using Stackable. Your customers get informed of savings as they shop and all discounts are applied automatically during checkout!

Offer multiple discounts to your customers using Stackable. Your customers get informed of savings as they shop and all discounts are applied automatically during checkout!
Power your conversion for a price right for you
Our simple pricing model is suitable for smaller stores looking to use the power of automated discounts and power users looking to offer many discounts across large product sets.
Suitable for smaller product ranges with fewer discounts
Discount Stacking
Messaging Widget
Suitable for large product ranges with frequent campaigning and stock clearance incentives
Automatic Free Gifts
Discount Group Scheduling
Development support for cart integration (within 72 hours)
Specially tailored to Shopify Plus stores
Automatic Free Gifts
Discount Group Scheduling
Theme integration (within 24 hours)
Priority Support
Realtime savings feedback with automatic discount creation boosts both cart and checkout conversion.
Provide a seamless shopping experience that takes the pain out of finding the best deals as its all done for them!
Combining multiple discounts enables you to target specific stock in different ways with laser targeted campaigns.